2016 PMDMC Scholarships

19 June 2016

June 2016: As scholarship chair of the PRADO (Public Radio Association of Development Officers), I’m happy to report our group (J.C. Patrick, Sarah McDaniel and Molly Nicklin) are sending seven public radio professionals to the 2016 PMDMC (Public Media Development & Marketing Conference) in Boston!

July 2014: As scholarship chair of the PRADO (Public Radio Association of Development Officers), I’m happy to report our group (J.C. Patrick, Sarah McDaniel and Molly Nicklin) raised enough money to be sending seven public radio professionals to the 2014 PMDMC (Public Media Development & Marketing Conference) July 9th-12th in Denver, Colorado. Have a great conference, guys and bring back lots of good money making ideas for your respective public radio-TV stations!